Friday, July 2, 2010

Vegan Shoes: Vegetarian Shoes

I've been a huge fan of Vegetarian Shoes since my brother first shared them with me about 8 years ago. My first pair of Vegetarian Shoes were a pair of winter boots. These winter boots keep my feet warm and dry through 6 cold, wet, snowy and salty Toronto Winters. Toronto has this horrible habit of using salt to de-ice it's streets and it can be murder on boots & clothing. This up coming winter will be the first winter in 6 years that I'll need to buy a new pair of winter boots and you can bet your bottom dollar that I plan on getting myself another pair from Veg Shoes. I have my eye on these babies. However if you don't want to take my word on how fabulous this company is then just watch their new über fun promo video because it's sure to win you over. Get ready to giggle!

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